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How to Stay Stuck on A Break-Up

Trust me, I'd Know...

Step 1: Continue contacting him

  • Even when he has specifically asked you to give him space

  • if you are on a holiday-break from school, definitely hit him up as soon as you're back on campus

    • definitely make sure to include "i love you's" "i miss you's" and expressing how you'd do anything to be together again

Step 2: Continue Hooking Up, Hanging out at his place, and with his friends

  • During this stage make sure to steal all the clothes you want from him since you probably returned EVERYTHING in the heat of the moment

Step 3: After Sex make sure to tell him you love him, cuddle, and play super sad breakup songs

  • He'll respond "I love having sex with you"

  • He will also call your music depressing 


Step 1: Make Psycho Ex Playlists and Begin to recall his deepest insecurities

Step 2: call him when you're drunk and cry about how you don't understand 

  • Make sure you emphasize how you can't take it anymore and you just feel like everyone in his life hates you, especially his friends and family

  • also ask him to come over, multiple times

Step 3: Make tik toks about his deepest insecurities and how he did you dirty

  • Make sure you dress up like him in his clothes you didn't give back for extra spice! 

Step 4: Re-Vamp all your dating apps and social media presence so his friends tell him about it

Step 5: Keep up with him on all social media platforms (and his friends)

Step 6: Make a flag about his deepest insecurity

Step 7: Text him every day that you miss him/hate him/love him: whatever feels you're feeling

Step 8: Make it known that you're going to continue going to his fraternity events (Opens, mixers, date parties, etc.)

In Conclusion, do not do any of this. these actions will result in regret, remorse, shame, anger, nausea, poor sleep, nightmares, and grief lasting the duration of your relationship.

Oh, and he'll probably block you everywhere and have no desire to speak to you ever again!

People will definitely think you've snapped.

Step 10: You see him out with a new girl...

  • Look him directly in the eyes from across the bar

  • Receive pep talk from friend

  • go order a drink in front of him so he can look at your a$$

  • continue making eye contact

  • dance on stage with a random group of girls who you befriend on the basis of your ex being in the crowd

  • watch him go to the bar with his date, follow them, order a drink that will make him think of you, and kick him in the leg as you wait for it

  • Text him to have a good time with the "biggest flirt"

Step 9: Get drunk with your friends

  • decide you want to do karaoke at home but need a HDMI Cord

  • show up at his place at midnight and ask for one

  • Walk into his living room without knocking

  • when he isn't there, ask his friends for the cord

  • walk out, but stand on the porch calling and texting him for 15 minutes

Step 4: Make Multiple Playlists Cataloguing your entire relationship and every breakup song you can find (examples below)

Step 5: Continue to act like he's your boyfriend

  • Head to his place after you go out with your friends

  • go grocery shopping together

  • watch UFC Fights together

  • sleep-over and make him drive you home

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